Re: Commit: fix that spelling + images bug

Subject: Re: Commit: fix that spelling + images bug
From: WJCarpenter (bill-abisource@carpenter.ORG)
Date: Fri Mar 23 2001 - 18:35:50 CST

dom> Spellchecked with en-UK this is great and correct. However, I
dom> personally can't *stand* colour, maximize, etc... so they should
dom> be marked as incorrect since I'm in en-US land. So now we're up

I think there is a worthwhile distinction between spelling (and a few
other items) for authoring versus audience. If we had per-document
preferences, I think it would be a great service to provide a
convenience dialog to switch a document from authoring mode to
audience mode, at which point spell-checking would be turned off,
etc. (Good place for some clever analysis of what's helpful there.)

(I used to find it so hard to read _The Economist_ after I had
corrected all their misspellings! The nerve of those people. :-)

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