Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0

Subject: Re: Topic: Tables and 1.0
From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Sun May 06 2001 - 07:31:51 CDT

At 08:17 PM 5/5/2001 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
>I thought this would work via the GTK algorithim too. For selections we do
>mapDocPositionToXY on the anchor and the same for the cursor location.
>Then simply the grey all text in all runs between those points using
>whatever layout code we have.

         That implies that the runs of the table are NOT going to be
separate "pieces", but instead part of the main piece table. That's not
how I thought I heard you (and Dom) professing to want to do this. I
thought that you were looking to make each cell it's own
"mini-document". Both are valid approaches to solving the table issue -
but each has advantages and disadvantages. Do you know which you are
thinking more about?

>Actually doing things this way I think that any algorithim we use to
>layout the containers we also allow cross cell selections.

         If you are not doing the "mini-document" approach, then yes, you
should be able to do cross cell selection. However, that will mean a LOT
more work to implement based on changes to the existing layout engine/piece


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