Re: right-click to do calculations Non-member submission from []]

Subject: Re: right-click to do calculations Non-member submission from []]
From: Greg Evans (
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 22:29:18 CDT

On Monday, May 21, 2001, at 09:09 PM, WJCarpenter wrote:

> ms> No I'm not joking. Yes it will take at most one day to
> ms> implement. It will be totally XP. You won't have to do a thing. I
> ms> really think this is a cool feature. Highlight a maths expression,
> ms> right click, choose "Calculate value" from the context menu. If no
> ms> error resplace with result. Lovely :-)
> Cool or not, let's have a quick show of hands: How many of you and
> how often have you wished to have this feature in your word processor?
> Me neither.
> If it were there, I might use it occasionally. I certainly wouldn't
> forget it was there, since I'd be seeing that "Calculate value" item
> on my right-click context menu every time I right-clicked on a
> highlighted region.

I would find it to be more handy than going to a seperate app to perform
some calculation

> If you implement this feature, be sure to also offer weights and
> measures conversions,

I like the above :)

> column and row sorting, standard deviations,
> launching an email to a given address, and Ponzi schemes.

I dunno what half of that is, but I like the email thing

> I'd also
> like to see some calendar math, like day-of-week for a given date,
> difference between two dates, and validation that a given date
> exists. And don't get me started on trying to understand shillings
> and pence; I could really use a context menu for that.

Currency that would be handy too, though I suppose it
would have to then lookup the current conversion rate online somewhere
which might make it more of a pain than it is worth

Just my $.02

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