Cyrillic in AW documents

Subject: Cyrillic in AW documents
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 04:08:10 CDT

Hello Vlad,

Sunday, September 02, 2001, 6:51:44 PM, you wrote:

VH> Also please post a document saved by Win AW (with a few russian
VH> words in it).

Now I've found what encoding is used in it. It is not chimera, as I
have written earlier, but Unicode UTF-8. I'm sorry for didn't
recognize it initially (forgot to check it). However,
the question is still here - Linux and Windows builds are producing
incompatible documents.

And win AW can't read Linux-saved documents in Russian.

In any case win AW document is here.

VH> Also, it seems your locale when you run WindowMaker is horribly
VH> broken (it seems AW thinks it's iso-8859-1). What value it's set to
VH> ($LANG,$LC_CTYPE) when you run WindowMaker?

The results for GNOME and for WindowMaker are identical. Echo
returns ru for $LANG and nothing for $LC_CTYPE (and nothing for
$LC_ALL too). Is it bad? It seems that $LANG must be ru_RU.KOI8-R, but
AW works just with ru...

Best regards,

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