Testing Update: New Summary, Problem on File Close

Subject: Testing Update: New Summary, Problem on File Close
From: Randy Kramer (rhkramer@fast.net)
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 08:08:54 CDT

I've posted a new summary (FirstSum4.abw) at
http://www.twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Test/AbiWordTestingOnWin32. It has a
few more observations, three of them in the list of new observations but
with a new heading, and one nearer the end with the word UPDATE

I then went on to try creating some new styles and modifying some built
in styles. I started by (trying to) create a new document. I did File
--> Close on the last open document, and, since I had the preference
set, it did what I expected, it did not close AbiWord. Instead it
presented a blank white document which was labeled Untitled6 (well, I
tried this several times, which is why when I checked it said Untitled6,
instead of what it presumably was on the first trial, Untitled1).

Anyway, I tried typing in that document. It didn't work very well.
When I started by setting the style to Heading 1, at first nothing
appeared, and then I realized that only one character at a time was
appearing at the location of the cursor.

In a later trial, I left the style as Normal -- in that case it appeared
to be OK as I started typing until it reached the end of the line --
instead of wrapping it just stayed at the end of the line, overtyping
the previous characters.

After several trials, I did File --> New to explicitly get a new
document before starting to type. It seems that solves the problem.

I've come to the tentative conclusion that the blank white window with
"Untitledx" in the title bar does not really represent a document after
the File --> Close, and hence:

   * either it should not appear as such (the window should appear gray,
without Untitledx in the title bar),
   * or a File --> New should be "implicitly" issued so that it is a
"real" document

My preference would be for the gray window -- I hesitated to even
suggest the second alternative, but just mentioned it to present some

Randy Kramer

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