Re: XML and Styles: Best location for attributes?

Subject: Re: XML and Styles: Best location for attributes?
From: Randy Kramer (
Date: Sat Sep 22 2001 - 12:30:35 CDT

To clarify a little:

Randy Kramer wrote:
> I'm just starting to learn XML, but I'm assuming that it is better to
> keep most of the attributes of a style within the <styles> tag rather
> than repeating them for each paragraph. (I see this as helpful to keep
> the document clean and readable, not only for a human that might try to
> read it, but also to make it easier for AbiWord to handle.)
       ^^ the XML

> As I mentioned in another post, I am starting to test with a text editor
> open so I can see the effect of changes in AbiWord on the saved AbiWord
> file. I'm doing this partly because I assume that the XML I see there
> is representative of AbiWord's "state of mind". Is there a simple
> alternative to view something which might be more representative, like
> the piece table?
> Am I missing something in thinking that most of the attributes for a
> style should be in the <style> tags and not repeated in each paragraph?
> If not, I will begin submitting some bugs or rfe's on that basis.
> Randy Kramer

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