Beginner: some questions.

Subject: Beginner: some questions.
From: Petr Tomasek (
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 08:23:11 CDT


Could You please, help me with following issues?

1) How can I build abiword with exporters/importers as plugins and
not linked into abiword itself?

2) Where/ how can I get patches between abiword 0.9.2/0.9.3 and between
0.9.3/0.9.4-beta (0.9.4 when available)? Can I download them from some place?

3) Does abiword allow multiple header/footer definitions per document?
Can I edit them somehow not for the whole document?

4) Will abiword support tables, footnotes, setting page number to various

He, i think I had Yet more question, but I forgot them. Please,
be patient with me. Thnx,

Petr Tomasek

Petr Tomasek,

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