[Fwd: Re: OpenOffice.org]

From: Randy Kramer (rhkramer@fast.net)
Date: Sun Apr 14 2002 - 11:26:34 EDT

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra: "Re: Polish strings (part1)"

    Forwarded from discuss@linuxdoc.org.

    attached mail follows:

    On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 07:51:10AM -0500, David Merrill wrote:
    > Thank you for your initiative, jdd. It sounds like you know what to
    > do. You definitely have *my* blessing.

    This could be a great opportunity to support a new format, for people
    who don't want to lose time with docbook/linuxdoc setup, until we come
    up with a full suite of tools.

    > The problem with using non-DocBook sources is that we rely (and will
    > rely much more in the future) on good meta-data, which falls in the
    > <articleinfo> section of the DocBook file. No word processor will
    > create that for us, I think.

    We could specify this metadata must be added for openoffice documents.

    JDD- please tell us when we will be able to tell prospective authors
    they can just start openoffice, select "TLDP" stylesheet and send us
    their gzipped file. It would save everyone a lot of time.

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