Embeddable AbiWord.

From: Martin Sevior (msevior@mccubbin.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 23:10:35 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Dunbar: "Re: OK, I can't translate the last two strings"

    Hi Folks,
             The AbiWord on my hard drive is now an embeddable bonobo control.
    This means that abiword can now be used as an in-line viewer in Nautilus
    and Evolution for all our supported formats (Word, RTF, Word Perfect,
    AbiWord and lots of other documents). In addition the control provides a
    completely editable interface into abiword document. You can click in a
    document and type and change stuff.

    The control will pop-up dialogs and context menu's though this needs more
    work. So Gnome now has an embeddable word processor which can be used in
    any application that would like it.

    I would love to commit this code. I've verified that AbiWord still runs
    fine as a stand alone word processor - but it can wait till after 1.0. I
    need to understand a bit more about "official" IDL naming which is quite
    important for a platform-wide distribution.

    Anyway as a teaser, here is a screen shot, the IDL definition used by OAF
    and a test-container to demonstarte how easy it is to use the control.



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