Re: Ready for the Big Time!

From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Sat Apr 20 2002 - 14:23:22 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: ISO-8859-2 fonts do not print"

    > To Alan Horkan:
    > Sometimes in the course of x86 computing, using M$ OS's becomes
    > unavoidable. I'm am currently stuck in this situation at the moment.

    I agree that there are some situations when it is very hard to avoid.
    Personally I dont even want to switch from windows98 to anything else,
    although I do use various other operationing systems but none as much the
    one from Redmond. Partially it is laziness, and inertia because I have
    become very accustomed to doing things a certain way. Also win98 allows
    me to play the few computer games i own. Probably biggest
    reason to use windows 98 is that i have already paid for it (more than once).

    > I also prefer open source software. However in the Windows environment
    > there is no alternative to Opera... Mozilla is way too slow and a huge
    > resource hog, not too mention unreliable. (Caused by M$) There are no
    > others worth mentioning...

    I am using Mozilla on windows and i am quite happy with it.
    Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. If
    you have not tried Mozilla recently it may have improved and become more
    to your liking. I hope you will try it agian at some stage

    You might consider trying K-Meleon is also available. It uses Mozilla's
    rendering engine Gecko.
    Although i realise Opera users are very fond of the Tabbed Interface
    (which continues to mystify me, explanations offlist if you must).

    Sometimes I am willing to go out of my way to use open source software
    or i should probably say "free software" because I value the extra freedom
    (although find the terminology clunky and ineligant, why not "freedom
    software", and i cannot believe Richard Stallman was actually pedantic
    enough to pronounce the slash when he says Gnu/Linux, maybe he was
    overemphasising to make a point, but i digress)
    but i also definately beleive there is plenty of room for commercial
    software and room for Proprietary software (Quake being a
    great example)

    I would have sworn I mailed you offlist, otherwise i might not have gone
    at length.

    The abiword developers have for as long as i have known them always tried
    very hard to follow the standard and interoperate with MS Word unless
    there was a very good reason to do otherwise.

    If Opera can do a good job of displaying Abiword documents without any
    need to reformat them then I will have to give it try (and find out what
    is stopping Mozilla).

    Alan Horkan

    PS Gem Drop X, neat game. Frozen Bubble is my current favourite game. (i
    dont expect anyone but Calvin to get this reference).

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