Re: Pango?

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 09:51:12 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: further notes on using Pango"

    At 5:53 PM +1000 4/26/02, Martin Sevior wrote:
    >A solution is to just use gnome-font but then we don't have a gtk-only
    >build for unix.

            But if Pango doesn't bother to use gnome-font, why should we??

    >That wouldn't bother me very much. gnome will ship with
    >late model Solaris and HP_UX anyway and we have AbiWord-1.0.x for small
    >devices using linux.

            And what about Mac OS X, and other platforms where GTK can be
    built, but trying to get all of GNOME installed is either not
    possible or not practical!??! (and yes, I know we are working on a
    Mac OS X native version - but in the meantime).


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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