Re: RFP: design document

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Mon Apr 29 2002 - 14:48:43 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: RFP: design document"

    Hi Dom,

    I will try to summarize the Pango debate:

    Through the debate a concensus seems to have emerged that
    using Pango would be good in principle, providing we have realistic
    expectations of what it will do for us and what it will demand of us,
    and whether we can pull it off.

    A. What we gain
    (1) we delegate the responsibility for dealing with low-level text
    layout (which is complex once we start talking of substantial
    globalization and advanced typographic concepts such as kerning)
    to the Pango experts. This means that we will be (eventually) able
    to get quality of layout which with our own resources we could not

    (2) some of the most unpleasant platform specific, as well as XP,
    code that has to do with handling Unicode text will disappear and
    be replaced by largely cross-platform layer; this includes such
    problematic code as the remapGlyph function, and the font
    handling mess.

    (3) as a consequence of (2) we would be able to move our
    PostScript generation code entirely into cross-platform code.

    B. What we do not gain
    We do not gain a high-level layout engine; the responsibility for
    arranging runs of text into lines, and anything above that will remain
    upon us. Further, the range of scripts and languages Pango
    handles varies between the different font backends (see below),
    and is currently smaller than was generally assumed.

    C. What it will cost us
    (1) We will have to integrate Pango into the layout engine, which is
    not an entirely trivial job, but I am prepared to carry that out over
    the next three month, by which time I think the layout engine could
    be fully functional on Unix.

    (2) We would need to redesign our PostScript classes, since
    Pango does not have PS output (but then neither does X ...). For
    this there probably is some code out there we could reuse, but we
    should not count on it. I am prepared to chip in on this, but not to
    implement this single-handed (this, as has been pointed out,
    amount more to adding functionality to Pango than AbiWord).

    (3) We will have to make Pango available on all our platforms;
    currently it is only available on Unix and win32. This mainly
    amounts to porting glib, and there has been no real feedback on
    this. Yet, this is absolutely critical, because no glib == no Pango.

    Apart from the overall decision whether to use Pango or not (which
    still remains to be made, since most of the active developers did
    not voice a _clear_ opinion on that), there is a further subsequent
    decision of which flavour of Pango to use. In essence there are two
    options: (1) use pango on the top of the native font system, (2) use
    Pango on the top of the FreeType2 backend.

    The main advantage of (2) is that it would be pretty much platform
    independent and we would get uniform behaviour. The arguments
    put forward in favour of (1) are smaller memory footprint and
    possibly better performance. Against (1) as a general approach is
    the fact that Pango supports native font backends only on X and
    win32, and the latter is seemingly not very adavanced.

    Opinions on which way to go are divided, but my understanding
    from the debate is that an initial XP implementation using the
    FreeType2 backend done in a manner that would allow for future
    minimal-effort replacement with a native font backends where
    available would be acceptable to all, and going this way would not
    pose any serious problems.

    The whole Pango question is rather separate from other
    internationalization issues that have been raised on the list in the
    past two weeks, notably handling of selection and undo for
    compozite characters; Pango will help us in a major way in drawing
    these on the screen, but it will give us virtually no help in the way
    we let the user to interact with these. Consequently, this will need
    to separate develpment effort whether we use Pango or not, and
    should be left out of the decision about use of Pango.

    My personal opinion, having been initially fairly sceptical about
    using Pango at this stage is that if we can manage the porting to
    our platforms, we should use Pango with the next major release; I
    think the benefits significantly outway the work required.


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