POWs: Make 'em while they're cold!

From: ericzen (ericzen@ez-net.com)
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 10:08:22 EDT

  • Next message: Mugurel Tudor: "big fat romanian translation update"

    Floating POW ideas not really finalized, so, I thought I'd push in these last 20 or so hours.

    What to include, und why:

    A) Description -- Who'd know what to do otherwise!?
    B) Effects -- As in, what bugs, features and mile stones does this POW involve (just like with bugs)
    C) Related Area -- What section would be work with (include all dependent information, platforms, related applications, parts of the code that will need to be worked on)
    D) Rating -- "Oh god no, not this again." I've thought about the difficulty rating, and I really do believe that the challenge level helps move possible developers off of fence, i.e. "I wish I could develope for AbiWord, but I don't really know that much, but hey! I do know about...so, maybe I can try that!"

    Included, Alan's movie scale. I'll go with five because...well, why need more? One being "You don't even need to know programming" (i.e. the human language translation/updates) and five being "Think threading...think assembly...."

    * crap dont waste your time
    ** not great,
    *** mediocre some people will like it, see it on video
    **** good
    ***** must see

    Additionally, you may include E) Any comments, thoughts or related ideas you'd want to share with the soon-to-be developer.


    Additionally, because of the in and out carnival time and what not, the POWs (and organization) maybe the only update for this week and I'll clean up the rest for next week.

    After I read the first new POW submission...I'll wrap at 80 for those of you small on screen real estate!

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