Re: Installation directory confusion

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2002 - 20:26:48 EDT

  • Next message: ericzen: "Re: Installation directory confusion"

    This isn't really true. afaict auto* does it the traditional way of
    putting the binary in execprefix or prefix/bin, and data in the
    dataprefix or prefix/share/AbiSuite.

    So with --prefix=/usr I got /usr/bin/AbiWord_d + wrappers & symlinks and

    Diving make is really funny about it. Stuffs everything into
    prefix/abisuite, makes hardlocked symlinks here and there if you so's kinda strange. This propogates into the tarballs which do
    the same, and the install script determines if it should symlink

    Sooo... with prefix=/usr/share I got /usr/share/AbiSuite/bin/AbiWord_d.
    Then we symlink /usr/bin/abiword -> /usr/share/AbiSuite/bin/AbiWord (the

    Not a very kind system for its lack of consistency, just that noone's
    bothered to fix it since there's nothing natively bad/nonfunctional
    about it.

    Either way, both systems base on prefix, so that first statement of
    yours doesn't quite make sense to me. You can --prefix= or prefix=
    anything you want.

    RH uses the path because they are the official distributors and
    packagers of RH Linux. Traditionally, /usr/local is used for homegrown
    stuff, thus we default that the personal is making his own copy and not
    an official one for millions of users who may or may not pay money for
    it. It's just a matter of --prefix=/usr for RH packagers.

    Hope it helps

    On Mon, 2002-08-19 at 17:18, j.m.maurer wrote:
    > Hi all!
    > This one is bugging me for a while now: diving make installs AbiWord in
    > /usr/share, while the auto* build installs AbiWord in /usr/local/share.
    > Could both build systems install in the same directory or is there some
    > deeper meaning of it that I can't seem to get?
    > if not, I would vote for using /usr/share, but only due to the fact that
    > RH uses that path....
    > Any objections?
    > Marc

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