AbiWord Font Usability question

From: Dom Lachowicz (doml@appligent.com)
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 15:21:25 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Fwd: cvs graph, mozilla, infamy"

    Hi Seth,

    We're having a little discussion on the mailing list and I was
    wondering if you or other HIG people would like to comment on it and
    perhaps guide us to a good solution to it. Relevant links and threads


    Basically, we're wondering if our font combo box should be:

    1) Just plain (font names only)
    2) All font names should be displayed in their respective font face
    3) Only the selected font should be displayed in its respective name
    4) Marc's font preview window (see screenshot)
    5) Combo of 3&4
    6) Other...

    We've come up with good arguments for all of these suggestions and
    highly visable places where they are used and not used (such as
    WordPerfect, MSWord, Apple, ...) Any help, insight, direction, or
    otherwise would be very much appreciated by our users. I personally
    will accept make sure that the HIG team's suggestion gets implemented,
    within reason.


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