Re: AbiWord Font Usability question

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Tue Aug 27 2002 - 21:23:24 EDT

  • Next message: E . A . Zen: "Version of the future?"

    Having ignored the related threads almost entirely, is it too late to
    cast my meaningless vote for marc's one? The font in which the font
    name is displayed is whatever it's set to in gtk prefs (like....gconf)
    and the preview box shows the font itself. So, case wingdings, one sees
    the name wingdings so he knows what font he's choosing, but can also get
    a feel for what it'll look like.
    Whereas if the font name in the menu were to be in the font itself, it
    would be (IMHO) a PITA to pick a font esp if looking for one in
    particular or deciding from significantly non-sans fonts and (IMNSHO) a
    perf disaster.


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