Re: Fwd: Re: AbiWord Font Usability question

From: Rui Miguel Seabra (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 07:49:41 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: AbiWord Font Usability question"

    A friend of mine performed as a consultant at a company here in

    They bought PC window MS Windows for everyone, only to find out that
    they still would have to pay thousands of euros for MS Office...

    Hence, my friend came over, and suggested OpenOffice (he should have
    suggested Gnome Office but *sigh* ;)) and guess what:
      Most, thought that they provided exactly the same that MS Office (that
    is, they don use that much features), and some even thought that it was

     Guess what was one of the killer features:
       Being able to select font properties from the context menu.
       Yes, font face, font size, et all. And it doesn't show the faces of
       the fonts in their names.

    Does this seem a contradiction on the perspective of the HIG? Maybe,
    but I have the answer: not all users are blabbering idiots.

    That said, Marc tactic is still the best one I ever saw:
      1) The font names are fully readable
      2) The font preview area is big enough for a fair appreciation of the
         font face

    Seth has a point when he says that having a lot of fonts is too much for
    a combo style selection, however, here are some considerations:

      1) it is very hard to categorize styles of fonts (serif, sans, mono)
         font config may help, but is it there on all our platforms so that
         we have that facility?

         Even so, the user should be able to choose what font will serif,
         sans or mono use *per application* if the idea is to reduce the
         size of the list (in the default, I mean).

      2) there are more types of fonts other than serif, sans and mono...
         what could one do about this?

         Instead of having:

            | Serif Font |
            | Sans Serif Font |
            | Mono |
            | Other |

            | Serif Font |
            | Sans Serif Font |
            | Mono |
            | Other > +------------+
            +---------------| Comic .... |
                            | Gothic ... |
                            | ... |

      Problem: it impossible (AFAICT) in the combo boxes ;)

        The reason that an 'Other' option is irrelevant, is that we already
    have a format character menu option, so there is no need for that.

    And yes, I have to strongly disagree with something:
       Having the font names written with the font faces *is* significantly slower
    and does not improve that much font recognition due to both size and
    visual cluttering.

    Go Marc!

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