Re: Fwd: Re: AbiWord Font Usability question

From: ericzen (
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 19:18:18 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Dunbar: "Re: Translataions"

    RE: MRU problems

    I've seen many word processing/desktop publishing programmes that seperate the MRU list within the normal dialogue box. Something like:

    [ Times New Roman ]
        Courier New
     Bitstream Charter
       Courier New

    et cetera

    As for hiding menu items, that's just a god awful idea and the creator of it should whack about a few times.

    I think the sublist could co-exist witht he user-chosen primary fonts.

    One alternative, if everyone wants pre-view fonts (in line with what hub was saying) is to have an external application build it in a bitmap or similar form and use that "AaBbCc...YyXxZz" phrasing (that's it, just those 15characters). Otherwise, the names or whole alphabet could be created in parallel. After that, create a plugin for Abi from it if people would actually want to use it. This would most likely speed up the loading.

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