How can I test my translation? (Anything wrong with the way I'm trying?)

From: besnik bleta (
Date: Fri Dec 06 2002 - 09:52:50 EST

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: My movements."


    I'm trying to set up AbiWord in other language rather than the default
    It works fine with Italian and French and German. But when I try to get it
    work with another locale, it fails to recognize it:
    I change the relative settings in the Abiword.profile, save it and run
    AbiWord. After each fail, opening the same Abiword.profile shows me "en-US"
    instead of "xx-YY" (which should be the one if the previous changes on
    AbiWord.profile were real).
    How could I resolve that? Or that is a confidential future?


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