Re: commit: Fix lots of stuff.

Subject: Re: commit: Fix lots of stuff.
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 09:28:45 CST

> It is taken care of in printing automatically because an entire layout
> structure is created with the printer graphics context in place.
> Everything is updated and correctly formatted. It's a "snapshot" of
> the current layout. I wasn't sure if "page number" field should be a
> "frequently" updated field or not. I guess I didn't do it because then
> all the headers and footers fields with page numbers would be redrawn
> every 0.5 seconds.
> I'm not quite sure what to do about this.

One thing that comes to mind is to have a multi-tier update, some
fields would update every 0.5 second, and some fields, say, on
every 10th occurence of the auto-redraw, etc.
needsFrequentUpdate would return int, the bigger the value, the
lesser the frequence of update, and for all non-zero values we
would update if(!counter % needsFrequentUpdate()). This would
allow some fine tuning; time field could be updated each half-
second, word count each second, endnote references each 2
seconds, while page numbers or page references only, say, each 5
seconds, etc.

In any case we should have a method that allows the user to
update all fields manually, just as you can in Word.


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