Re: A new draw on XP refactoring

Subject: Re: A new draw on XP refactoring
From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 09:10:47 CST

> Um, is this reinventing the wheel ? dia already is a extremely useful
> Vector graphics drawing program and the gimp handles a lot of non
> vector graphics as far as I understand it.

No, this isn't re-inventing the wheel.

1) Dia isn't really a cross-platform application
2) Dia doesn't support reading SVG files
3) No opensource Gnome or KDE program really supports viewing SVG
graphics all that well currently. Sodipodi, Sketch, librsvg, and others
all have serious shortcomings.

Vector graphics is a very loose term, like XML. VRML, SVG, DIA, CAD,
PDF, Adobe Illustrator and QT's QPainter->save(), are all vector
graphics formats. They are all meant to do substantially different
things, though. Their internal structures are different and their
purposes and uses are different. Sure, some concepts and mabye even
*some* code might be shared between all of these applications/viewers,
but that's no guarantee. So no, we shouldn't be using Dia here.


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