from AbiWord to AbiSuite [was Re: A new draw on XP refactoring

Subject: from AbiWord to AbiSuite [was Re: A new draw on XP refactoring
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 13:20:07 CST

The discussion of the drawing/SVG application is quite exciting,
and I certainly do not wish to stifle it, but there is one issue that
slightly worries me. The AW 1.0 release is not going to be the end,
more like the beginning. One of the reasons we are releasing 1.0 is
that we have learned a number of lessons, and among them that
the current layout engine is reaching its limits and that to
implement some features that the punters want, we will have to
seriously redesign it, too seriously to do it overnight between 0.9.x
and 0.9.x+1. The 1.0 version will be rock solid in what it does, but
it will not be feature-full from many a user's point of view. It is only
when we have at least table and footnote support (and perhaps
some other stuff) that we will have a wordprocessor that will stand
a chance when measured against TheOtherWordprocessor (and
that day is coming!).

What worries me is that the current development team is rather
small, there is only a handful of people who contribute code on
regular basis. I would hate for our resources to be to much further
reduced by starting work on another member of the suite before the
1.1 code base is well on the way.


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