Re: trivial patch for bz2abw plugin

Subject: Re: trivial patch for bz2abw plugin
From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Sat Feb 02 2002 - 18:21:59 CST

Alan Horkan wrote:
> sorry to nitpick but maybe a three letter extension might be better?

Maybe not? We don't have to be compatible with MS-DOS (and derivates - such
as Windows 3.x) since AbiWord requires at least a 32-bit platform (anyone
tried to compile it for 64-bit?).

> (i dunno, maybe .bza).

Doesn't that look like an "elite spelling" of BSA? :-)

> Its probably not inherently any better but i still
> try and keep to 8.3 filenames out of habit.

If you still have to support Win16 or Novell 3.11 I can understand your
standpoint, but I don't think it's fit for the general public nowadays. Even
Win95 (anno 1995) supports longer than than 8.3 names for even FAT12

> (I assume the more descriptive option to name files .abw.bz2 is still also
> available)

That's what I'd assume it to be if it was a bzip2 compressed .abw file.
Coming to think of it, I'd actually prefer .abw.gz over .zabw (the latter
indicates it's a z (compress(1)) file).


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