Re: commit: Look for suggestions in Custom Dictionary.

Subject: Re: commit: Look for suggestions in Custom Dictionary.
From: Ramón Flores (
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 09:51:22 CST

 --- Alan Horkan <> wrote:

> What happens if someone were to have a large custom
> dictionary, would it
> just be really slow?

In that case the better option is to add a big number
of words to one (or more) dictionary, and compile
it using ispell, that is free software.
In any case you can disable the auto spell check.
> If i had multiple languages to be spellchecked and
> incredibly huge
> custom.dic could i crash Abiword or cause it to
> grind to an unpleasant
> halt?

If you have a huge custom.dic with words of different
languages, spell checking will not be very useful.
Think for example what would happen if you have
the following words in your custom.dic:

personatge (Catalan)
personage (English)
personnage (French)
personaxe (Galician)
personagem (Portuguese)
personaje (Spanish)

If you use different languages it is better you
keep your custom.dic light.


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