Hebrew Microsoft and the Mac version of Office

From: Alan Horkan (horkana@tcd.ie)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 13:37:00 EDT

  • Next message: Leonard Rosenthol: "Re: Hebrew Microsoft and the Mac version of Office"

    You may have read recent articles on TheRegister.co.uk bemoaning the lack
    of Hebrew support in MS Office for the Mac

    Abiword supports Hebrew and Abiword is being developed for Mac OS X.
    Perhaps this opportunity could be used to recruit Hebrew developers?
    And possibly recruit Mac Developers?

    I draw your attention to this paragraph in particular:

    Cohen says that the CEO of Apple's Israeli representative Yeda offered to
    underwrite the localization work, pay 1million shekels, and assure a
    pre-order of 2,000 copies from Apple France - but Microsoft Israel
    declined. (Yeda and Apple France didn't return our request for

    taken from:
    Microsoft's Mac Hebrew snub prompts Israeli AntiTrust complaint

    This is where some one like Ximian, or Redhat could step in and say Open
    Source, we would be happy to fill that contract etc.
    but that is unlikely to happen as it is a Mac Issue, and the
    aforementioned companies are *nix companies.

    Related Links

    The Register Mac Channel

    Microsoft's Mac Hebrew snub prompts Israeli AntiTrust complaint

    Google search site:theregister.co.uk Hebrew

    Alan Horkan

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