Re: FAQ, FAQ, FAQ [Re: TWiki Feedback] (fwd)

From: Randy Kramer (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 12:25:16 EDT

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "Re: FAQ, FAQ, FAQ [Re: TWiki Feedback] (fwd)"

    Jesper Skov wrote:
    > I fail to see how the current FAQ can be non-intuitive for someone who's
    > capable of using a browser. All it contains is a list of links to
    > subjects, rather than listing them all on a single page.
    > *editing* the FAQ may be non-intuitive for someone who can't be bothered
    > to spend the time, but then, the old FAQ wasn't editable so surely
    > that's not the issue here...
    > I'll restore the old static FAQ and add the link. And then I think I'll
    > avoid making any more changes to It seems I'm mostly
    > getting flak when trying to improve things, so it's probably a sign that
    > I'm not.

    Hi Jesper,

    Don't get discouraged! And don't stop making changes to the site. I
    like the TWiki (although I may be biased).

    Please take a look at these pages:

    I wonder if the FaqSummary page would be more useful to people trying to
    use the Faq. Using the "inline search" feature, you can display the
    title of any page that meets a defined search criteria as well as the
    first 162 characters or so of the text on that page as a summary. If
    everyone writes their Faqs to provide a meaningful statement of a
    question in the first 162 characters, that may make the FAQ more like
    the original and easier to use.

    If you think it's a good idea, I can move toward setting it up. I would
    probably choose a different prefix than Faq so that we don't include
    pages accidentally, and I'd rename the summary page so it is not
    included in the search results. But, of course, all that is subject to
    discussion and future modification.

    And, of course, you can make changes along those lines yourself if you
    think it would be helpful.

    Randy Kramer

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