Re: Twiki stuff (Attn. RK)

From: Mark Gilbert (
Date: Sun Jun 30 2002 - 09:21:24 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Congratulations (fwd)"

    On Sun, 2002-06-30 at 08:37, Randy Kramer wrote:

    > The only twiki-specific equivalent I've thought of is recreating the
    > original page with a "Moved to <new wiki page>" note.

    Sounds good.

    > I was renaming other people's topics -- do all the topic under LinFaq
    > apply to all Unixes, or do only some? (Leading to do we need two
    > categories, like LinFaq and UnxFaq, or do we change them all to UnxFaq
    > (or do you have a better suggestion -- UnixFaq isn't too long).

    LinFaqAbiWordCouldNotLoadTimesNewRoman -- This should be for all
    unices. The title should reflect it, and so should the content.
    Currently the content doesn't even apply to most linux setups. I'll try
    to make it more worldly once I figure out this collaborative nonsense.

    LinFaqInstallingRPMs -- This is very silly, and as soon as I figure out
    this collaborative nonsense it will disappear and its content be covered
    in a linux installation ... document (I'm sick of all the FAQs that
    aren't faqs d=).
    LinFaqTrueTypeFontsOnLinux -- This applies to unix in general, and
    should be changed accordingly.

    LinFaqUnixFontWarning -- Look at the name! of course it is for unix in
    general. *g*

    > I don't want to ignore them. I may not act on them immediately, and I'm
    > interested in any major objections or alternate suggestions, as well as
    > help to make the changes.

    Yeah, I'll help, but I must admit that I'm not as 'in to' this sort of
    setup as you (and for that matter Jesper) are.

    Also, if anyone objects to what I'm saying here, and I know you're out
    there, please speak up. I don't want people holding grudges or


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