Hot tip of the day! Customize your default status bar

From: Ismo J. Makinen (
Date: Fri Mar 22 2002 - 10:25:56 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: Documentation Update"

    Hot tip of the day! Customize your default status bar

    This is great news! This is no scam!

    As a responsible translator of the Finnish
    AbiWord I was quite concern when I noticed
    that I couldn't translate the word "default"
    which sits on the status bar. This is very
    irritating because it is almost the only string
    which defies translation. I couldn't find a way
    to translate it. Strings.en-us didn't have a
    corresponding string.

    Then I thought of the mysterious AbiWord.Profile.
    I know I shouldn't touch it by hand, at least with
    AbiWord, but as I said before, I was desperate.

    I was hilarious when I found my string,
    KeyBindings="default". I decided to scheme a little.
    I had heard that this mysterious default has something
    to do with keyboard emulation. I also knew that
    AbiWord has a rudimentary emacs and vi support.
    I copied the string to a scheme named _custom_
    and changed the value to KeyBindings="emacs".
    I quickly changed the file and started AbiWord.
    It worked! I had now a pretty emacs string. Of course
    I didn't remember very well the emacs key bindings.
    As a windows user I use more sensible bindings ;)

    Luckily for many years ago I had basic course on Unix
    and some emacs (and vi). I remembered that Ctrl-E
    goes to the end of line and Ctrl-P is previous line,
    not print. Not very exiting but it worked! I also tried the
    escape key, I thought that escape-F and so on should work
    and I would move by word. Maybe my memory was
    corrupted or that wasn't the correct meta-character.
    Of course I remembered the most important emacs
    command ever, Ctrl-X Ctrl-C and quit promptly.

    Next I tried to use vi keybindins. I wasn't very happy
    about it. Almost the only thing I remembered of it
    was that it was a horrible, horrible program. Almost
    as bad as edlin was in ms dos. I changed
    KeyBindings="vi". I wasn't quite sure of this syntax.
    It is very hard to find information of the correct
    parameter values. Maybe because you are not
    encouraged to change them.

    I started AbiWord. I had now vi sitting on my status bar.
    I wrote some text and tried escape :q. and other
    escape combinations. Maybe it was my memory again.
    Nothing seemed to work. I thought my value was
    wrong. I dimly remembered as an avid reader of
    the mail-list that it might be something like
    vi-keys. I changed the value, status bar responded
    correspondingly, but the results were the same as

    Then I thought: how is it that I can write non-working
    values which I can see on the status bar. I tried to
    experiment a little. I wrote KeyBindings="ISMO".
    It Worked. Now I had my pretty first name on the
    status bar. I had personalized my AbiWord!
    I quickly noticed that it doesn't matter what you write.
    I tried KeyBindings="Abiword Rulez". I tried also
    "I LOVE ABI". "I LOVE ABIWORD" was too
    long string. Maybe we should extend the area?

    Think about it. You can write to the status bar.
    I am not suggesting we should add something
    like scrolling text or something like it.
    This is still pretty neat! Maybe installer could ask
    our name or company name and write it to
    the .profile or we could have a separate dialogue
    for this string.

    Maybe we could also sell this space for
    marketing purposes ;) The choices are endless.
    If I just knew how to add the heart symbol!
    Also 8-bit characters didn't seem to work.
    I (insert heart symbol here) love Abi.

    PS. I am sorry if went 'little' overboard.
    I think I was just too excited of this
    new usage I discovered. I still think the string
    'default' doesn't tell anything to your default
    user. Better would be to leave it empty when
    it isn't 'emacs' or 'vi' keybindings. Even MS Word
    doesn't use it. Of course that isn't very heavy
    argument ;)

    Ismo Mäkinen

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