Re: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]

From: Paolo Molaro (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 13:53:58 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]"

    On 03/25/02 Dom Lachowicz wrote:
    > > Whatever it is, I know that Miguels rant about Ximian's reasoning for
    > > Mono (the massive time spent on Evolution development - I forget the
    > > number, but it was a factor >10 over what they'd expected) is starting
    > > to get to me.
    > FWIW, C# or Java isn't going to be much better. In fact, no programming
    > language is a godsend and will make all of our work easy and make all of
    > our bugs go away. Mono will be better for Evolution, probably, but you
    > have to consider that these guys are using a self-created object
    > heirarchy based on C and structs-as-vtables, without many of the

    FYI C++ works in the same way, with structs as vtables, only you
    didn't check a C++ compiler sources to see how it works.

    > language features that BOTH C++ and C# offer.

    Care to name a C# feature we don't support (or we don't plan to
    support)? Actually, the runtime supports more features than C# the
    language offers. But, yes, we are not done yet, we know that.


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