RE: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]

From: Tom Newton (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 12:53:13 EST

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra: "Re: [AbiCalc] Spreadsheet proposal"

    Being a lurker, I don't have much right to comment, but here is my tuppence

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jesper Skov []
    > Sent: 25 March 2002 16:47
    > Cc:
    > Subject: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]


    > Still here? :) OK. I must admit that I've had doubts about
    > my continued
    > use of time on AbiWord. Not the project itself or the gang - which I
    > really love - but I'm feeling we're not getting anywhere
    > (FAOD I'm fully
    > aware of my personal contribution the last months which is
    > very close to
    > zero, AWN aside). Bugzilla keeps fighting back every attempt
    > at reducing
    > the Bug counts, and doing QA, I see the same old bugs reappear after a
    > while.
    > Maybe it's just because writing a WP is tricky. Maybe it's because the
    > backend is stretched beyond its limits.

    Probably both. But if there is one thing that can save you, it's regression
    tests. I firmly believe these are one of the major (and sometimes
    overlooked) things that contributes to successful, stable software.
    Regression tests can be a PITA to maintain, but if correctly organised, they
    can significantly reduce the kind of repeat bugs you describe. The idea is
    that you encode all your test cases into a script of some description and
    record the output somewhere (and put it into CVS) after verifying that the
    output is correct. The next time you make a code change, you run the
    regression tests and they compare the output from last time to the output
    with your modified code. You then use a diff tool to verify that any
    differences between the "good" file and your result are ones that you would
    expect from your changes. And because the existing output is known to be
    "good", you only have to check the differences.

    It is obviously harder to create such a system with GUI based applications
    (and particularly with XP ones) where the interactions are very difficult to
    record in a file in a meaningful and repeatable way, but it must be
    doable(!). Even if you only did this for the various file format conversion
    parts of the code (which are all file based and should be deterministic) I
    suspect it would help dramatically.

    The tests can be run automatically as part of or immediately after a build,
    and part of the release procedure should be to make sure that 100%
    regression tests pass.

    (still talking and not doing)


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