Re: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]

From: Jesper Skov (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 12:53:09 EST

  • Next message: Tom Newton: "RE: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]"

    On Mon, 2002-03-25 at 18:33, Dom Lachowicz wrote:

    Good stuff, Dom. I just wanted to make two things clear so I don't look
    the complete moron :)

    > FWIW, C# or Java isn't going to be much better. In fact, no programming
    > language is a godsend and will make all of our work easy and make all of
    > our bugs go away.

    I don't expect that. I was careful not to mention a specific language in
    the main body of the mail for that particular reason. I would pick a
    language based on (1) what suits the job, and (2) what I'd feel like
    having a swing with. At this point in time, my personal preference would
    be Python.

    > > So here's the question: Is there room for liberating thoughts such as
    > > building an additional AbiSource framework, maybe using a spreadsheet as
    > > test app, that is both programming language and platform neutral (the
    > > parts of .NET/Mono that I've understood - and really like. I don't know
    > > if there's more hype to it than that, but I wouldn't be surprised).
    > The point and main advantage of using C#, in my opinion, would be that
    > we wouldn't have to build Yet Another Framework.

    I actually meant to base the work on .NET/Mono, but that's not clear
    from the rant. Your points about .NET/Mono maturity make sense though.
    Maybe now is not the time, but I hope we'd eventually get a XP framework
    worth using - and I hope it would be .NET/Mono since it'd be well
    established on Windows (where we seem to lack developers due to the
    general closed source nature of that platform).

    Anyhu, thanks for your reply. I'll probably read the book as you
    suggested :)


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