Re: A new start? [Re: Alan's excellent idea]

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 05:18:21 EST

  • Next message: Michiel Toneman: "Re: Corrupt .abw files"

    On Tue, 26 Mar 2002, F J Franklin wrote:

    > > So here's the question: Is there room for liberating thoughts such as
    > > building an additional AbiSource framework, maybe using a spreadsheet as
    > > test app, that is both programming language and platform neutral (the
    > > parts of .NET/Mono that I've understood - and really like. I don't know
    > > if there's more hype to it than that, but I wouldn't be surprised).
    > I don't know - and don't care to know - much about Mono, but I do have a
    > casual interest in DotGNU which is less Ximian-centric. It's only a year
    > old, and at least another year's work is required, but perhaps in a year's
    > time, and after AbiWord 1.2 is out the door, we should evaluate DotGNU and
    > possibly integrate its services with AbiWord.
    > I'm thinking that it may be possible to write plugins in C# and/or Java :-)

    Well we can do that already - if we can work out how to solve C++ symbol
    mangling. We can write plugin's in python and perl too. In addition people
    can pretty be certain that if MONO actually does work out gnumeric will be
    made available via it's services. All in all this all seems like a good
    reason for us to continue to develop a state of the word processor in C++.

    If MONO/dotGNU develops - great we can reuse the code we've already



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