Re: commit: AbiPaint plugin

From: Kenneth J.Davis (
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 17:21:48 EST

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Release 0.99.4 tagged"

    Martin Sevior <> wrote on 3/28/2002 5:17:08 PM:
    >Hi Jeremy,
    > I thought about having the external image editor configurable but
    >I wasn't sure how to get the UI correct. Does the user have to choose an
    >editor every time they choose "edit image" and if not how do they change

    No, the program to execute may be stored in the registry (I would rather
    use a preference item, but I am not sure how to add them, and haven't had
    the time to look into it).

    >their minds about which editor to use? I thought that having a preference

    There are extra menu options (all placed nicely in an AbiPaint submenu)
    to change the program to be used and whether the program requires BMP
    files or can work with PNG (the prefered, but not as widely supported
    by image editing/view programs on windows). You can also manually edit
    the registry (even while AbiWord is running) to change the program.

    >item would be the correct thing way to do this but that was going to be

    I agree completely.

    >way too much work for a plugin!

    When I get time and figure out how, I'll see about doing it, but
    probably not soon.

    >I'm curious.

    There are several changes I'd like to make, but for now it works for
    me under Windows 2000 & 95, and I have some other stuff I want to
    play with.

    A couple of snapshots to demonstrate are available at

    (AbiPaint is largely based on existing plugins, which should be easily
     noticable when looking at its source.)

    Jeremy Davis

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