Re: Encoding issues

From: Christian Biesinger (
Date: Sun Nov 03 2002 - 05:18:33 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: Encoding issues"

    Andrew Dunbar wrote:
    > In this case we're converting
    > from ISO-8859-X to UTF-8, then converting from
    > ISO-8859-X to UTF-8 again, getting the source
    > encoding wrong the second time. Argh! ):

    Yeah, this is what we're doing. (though the first time, it might've been
    from utf-8 or whatever the .strings file is in. anyway, that code is

    Anyway, so the question is: What charset is the string passed to
    setStatusMessage (the char* version) in?
    That function wants an UCS-4 string and has a char*.
    If it is always UTF-8, that function could just use UT_convert (I think
    that's what it's called, might be UT_iconv, can't remember) from UTF-8
    to UCS-4 and everyone would be happy. Alternatively, if it's always
    XAP_App::getDefaultEncoding() that would be fine too, because that could
    be used instead of UTF-8.

    Now, before I dig into the code, does anyone know what encoding the
    strings passed to setStatusMessage are supposed to be in?

    -biesi, who really wishes Abiword would use a string class for _all
    kinds of strings_ which also stored the string's encoding.

    Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus.

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