Hebrew in AbiWord

From: Omer Zak (omerz@actcom.co.il)
Date: Sun Sep 08 2002 - 10:59:49 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "Re: Hebrew in AbiWord"

    I installed Win32 AbiWord 1.0.2 in my Windows 2000 installation, and in
    short time I found that while I can use it to write a letter in Hebrew,
    there are some bugs (one of them I reported to AbiWord BugZilla).

    It also seems that someone needs to build Hebrew localization
    configuration (strings, definitions).

    I am willing to invest some time on this, but before doing this, I'd like
    to know if anyone is already working on this, so that there'll be no
    duplication of effort.
                                               --- Omer
    P.S.:What is the official designation of Hebrew/Israeli localization -
    is it 'il-HB' or 'hb-IL' or 'il-IL' or 'hb-HB'?
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