Re: commit: Improvements to RTF table export.

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 09:37:04 EDT

  • Next message: Michael D. Pritchett: "commit - Fix more warnings"

    On Fri, 2002-09-13 at 04:53, Andrew Dunbar wrote:

    > Oh don't forget to check against MW WordPad and
    > the RTF that Mac OS X uses too. Hub can probably
    > get you an OS X sample if you need one.
    > Our RTF already seems to have some dependencies on
    > either the standard or MS Word and could be more
    > forgiving.

    In all honesty, MSWord is the de-facto standard. By *far* it is the #1
    producer and consumer of RTF, and should be used as the guide where the
    spec is lacking - for this reason, and for the reasons that MSFT owns
    the spec.

    The RTF that MacOSX and Cocoa produces is crap. Likewise for OpenOffice.
    However, OSX seems always able to render our RTF to some reasonable
    degree. It isn't perfect, but I imagine that is because their TextPad
    product certainly isn't their #1 priority, and it shows. OpenOffice has
    given up on their RTF work in favor of better DOC support. This is
    understandable, but unfortunate, as their product produces/consumes
    non-conformant RTF 1.2 while we do pretty-darn-good RTF 1.7.


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