insert table widget (fwd)

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Sat Sep 21 2002 - 08:09:58 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "Re: insert table widget (fwd)"

    From Joaquin,
                I'll get this in on Monday my time if no one else beats me to

    I haven't looked at the code yet but knowing Joaquin I'm sure it works
    exactly as he says it does.

    This widget copies the MS Word/ WordPerfect insert table control which
    allows you to insert a table of the size want by dragging the mouse across
    a little table.



    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: 21 Sep 2002 13:47:59 +0200
    From: "[ISO-8859-1] Joaquín Cuenca Abela" <>
    To: Martin Sevior <>
    Subject: insert table widget

    Martin, sorry for not giving you any news for so long.

    Here you have the promised "insert table widget". I've called it

    It still has some problems:

    * It don't ears GtkToolbar style changes.
    * If you just click on the icon, the table window appears and disappears
    instantly, instead of sticking (like in Word).
    * I did the icon before looking at the recent Dom mail, so you can just
    change my icon by Jimmac one :)
    * It needs some little cosmetics changes here and there.

    But except for that, it works well imo. And I'm pretty sure I can fix
    these two problems without changing the API, so it should not be a
    problem if we integrate it with abiword right now and fix these latter.

    I've provided you a complete example to use it. It's in main.c (mainly
    borrowed from demo-gtk :).

    In short, to put it in a toolbar you should:

    GtkWidget* abi_table = abi_table_new ();
    g_signal_connect_object (abi_table, "selected",
                             G_CALLBACK (new_table_cb), NULL, 0);
    abi_table_embed_on_toolbar(ABI_TABLE(abi_table), GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar));

    It's not strickly necessary to use abi_table_embed_on_toolbar to put the
    widget in the toolbar. AbiTable inherits from GtkButton, and thus you
    can just insert it in the toolbar with gtk_toolbar_insert_widget, but
    that way the AbiTable widget will hide or show the label or/and the icon
    in function of the toolbar style. And to fix the first problem I should
    just add a bit of code to this function, so if you just use
    embed_on_toolbar, it will be easier in the future to integrate a new

    new_table_cb should be a function with the signature:

    static void new_table (GtkWidget *table, int rows, int cols, gpointer*

    where table is our AbiTable, rows and cols are the selected rows and
    cols by the user, and data is the typical user_data of connect_object.

    This signal will fire when the user creates a new table with the widget.

    I've enclosed the interesting code in main.c between <MARTIN> ...
    </MARTIN> tags.

    Attached you have a little screenshot of the widget.


    P.S.: I know that it kind of sucks to ask you to do "my" work, but I'm
    sure that this way it will be done much faster :)

    Joaquín Cuenca Abela


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