Re: commit: Joaquin's wonderful insert Table widget.

From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 10:33:30 EDT

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "commit: abi: Major change to AbiWord's installation"

    > Joaquin's wonderful insert Table widget.
    > Thanks also to Dom for help getting this in. This is so nice I've
    > included it twice. It's also on the "Extras" toolbar.

    It is really nice,
    brilliant invention.

    but including it twice seems like a bad idea (usability stuff about
    duplication being confusing)

    i was hoping that there would be more smaller toolbars in future and that
    that there would be enough items (as little as 2 or 3) for a table

    Lost of smaller toolbars help solve layout and usability issues ... too
    lazy to type further explanation

    does the customisable toolbars allow user to include stuff twice if they
    really want to?

    > You gotta try it. One remaining bug is that it sometimes emits two
    > "select" signals which causes a 3x2 table to be nested in inside the
    > main table.
    > Enjoy our new feature :-)

    Cant wait!


    Alan Horkan
    usability wannabee

    > Martin

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