I'm stopping the MacOS X port (yes, that is a rant)

From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere@teaser.fr)
Date: Thu Apr 17 2003 - 08:51:53 EDT

  • Next message: Robert G. Werner: "Re: I'm stopping the MacOS X port (yes, that is a rant)"

    Hi all,

    This is unrelated to the previous commit I did. But I just wanted to
    let you know that I took the decision to abandon MacOS X centered
    development of AbiWord. The decision is not motived by lack of interest
    in AbiWord. Au contraire. I'm still motivated to help the project and
    make it evolve, and I'll do that on free OSes like Linux. The decision
    is purely motived by some event that occured in my professional life
    making me unwilling to continue work on any Apple related stuff.

    For the little story, I got hired by Apple last February as a software
    engineer to work on some application they develop (iCal to not name
    it). This works was completely unrelated to my current AbiWord
    involvemenet and stayed like that. But on Tuesday, I got notified that
    they'll break my work contract in the probation period because I was
    "incompetent". I have never had any comment about the quality of my
    work, and they hired me after I did 2 month of contracting for them
    last year, for work they were satisfied about. After all if I hadn't
    satisfied them, they wouldn't have hired me, would they ? I was really
    involved in my work. I did 500 km of commuting everyday, spent 600 EUR
    / month for that (all on my own expenses), was ready at work, even when
    the public transport companies where on strike, etc. Everything that I
    found worthwhile to do my job correctly, because I liked my job so much.

    So I decided that since Apple was treating me like this (I would have
    accepted several reasons like job cut, etc., but surely not work
    related), I had no reason to be a loyal customer (sort of like I was
    until 1988) and offer them what could *possibly* be a killer app on
    MacOS X. That way I'll spend my now copious spare time doing something
    else, including looking for a new job.

    Just to make sure everybody understand. I will keep the current code in
    CVS so that a real maintainer can take over it. I wish him good luck.


    Hubert Figuière - http://www.figuiere.net/hub/
    Cell-phone: +33 6 18 01 42 11 - iChat/AIM: hfiguiere
    Any HTML e-mail sent to me will be discarded.

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