Re: New TWiki question: Where to send files that won't load?

From: Ruth A. Kramer (
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 03:57:35 EST

  • Next message: J.M. Maurer: "Re: Commit: support font sizes in .sdw files"

    Kenneth J. Davis wrote:
    > As far as I know, yes bugzilla is the correct place for such
    > documents. If abiword should open a document but fails to, then
    > that is a bug or at least a request for an enhancement.
    > I've updated twiki with an answer, please look over it and change as needed


    Thanks! PerditionC has made some additional changes (Thanks!) but there
    appears to be something wrong with the TWiki revision mechanism as your
    changes are not recorded in the revision log. (I had seen this problem
    before on a different page.)

    The reason for writing this is to confirm that you are not PerditionC (I
    looked through the user list on the AbiWord TWiki and could not find a
    listing that looked like it was likely to be you -- no jeremyd,
    kennethd, _davis. If you are PerditionC, then your changes were
    recorded, if you are not I'll dig out the discussion of the problem when
    it occurred on and ask the AbiWord webmaster (Hubert
    (Figuiere) IIRC?) to take a look at if if he gets a chance.

    Actually, here is the link to the problem on

    It had to do with one of the Sourceforge servers running out of
    temporary space. Quoting from Peter Thoeny:

    There could be an issue with TWiki and/or RCS when the disk is full on
    the volume where the temp area of RCS is located. This happens on
    occation here on SF, one of the load-balanced web servers has a full
    disk (where the temp area is), even though there is plenty space left on
    the storage server.

    When this happens TWiki saves the topic correctly, but the revision is
    not bumped up. The next time you save you will bump up one revision
    containing two contributions.

    Randy Kramer

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