Re: My native language called 'kelabit'

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 06:44:58 EST

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: My native language called 'kelabit'"

    On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 04:50:37 +0000 (GMT) Andrew Dunbar <> wrote:

    AD> --- printf scanf <> wrote: >
    AD> > Hello Kenneth
    AD> > Still not sure whether it is working yes or not?
    AD> > Sorry I'm new in this area. I'm learn this from you
    AD> > all. I would like to ask another question :
    AD> > -> set ABIROOT=\some\suitable\location\abiword
    AD> > Q1. what is that statement stand for ? I would like
    AD> > to place my ABIROOT directory at D:drive. I had
    AD> > tried set my ABIROOT as below :
    AD> > set ABIROOT=\d\abiword -----> It is that correct
    AD> > to set in D: drive

    Ok for D drive you need to change to the D: drive first, then run the
    commands listed (or if you are using bash from cygwin try as
    Andrew suggested).
    i.e. add
    C:\> D:
    mkdir \some\suitable\location\abiword
    cd \some\suitable\location\abiword
    set CVSROOT .....

    the setting of ABIROOT is a convenience issue and
    (though I haven't checked if the perl scripts use it)
    you can skip the setting the environment variable
    and simply duplicate the path for mkdir (md) and cd
    (the md you only need to do the first time).
    the \some\suitable\location should be replaced
    with wherever you want the source tree to reside,
    e.g. for me its \AbiSource\ on my development computer
    and \tinderbox\ on my nightly build computer.

    AD> If you're using cygwin then try
    AD> set ABIROOT=/cygdrive/d/abiword
    AD> > Q2. I had done create my directory %ABIROOT% at D:
    AD> > Drive. My question is Why the statement/command cvs
    AD> > is not found?. Meaning that the commands below was
    AD> > failed right?
    AD> >
    AD> >
    AD> > cvs login (the password is "anoncvs")

    when you typed
    cvs login
    did it respond with something similar to 'cvs is not a
    recognized internal or external command, unable to run'
    or 'command not found' message? if this is the case then
    your cvs client is not in your PATH, so either specify
    the full path (e.g. C:\cygwin\bin\cvs ) or add it to your
    path. If it is an actual error message from cvs itself,
    make sure CVSROOT is set, you can view its value by
    echo %CVSROOT%

    If you don't have a cvs client, I personally recommend
    the command line version, but the native win32 one, see (I use 1.11.1p1 but later versions
    should work just as well). If you use the cygwin one
    (may not be in the default install?), you may need to
    change the mode of the cygwin environment (UNIX or
    not) to get the proper end of lines.

    If you just want the minimal set of files
    to compile AbiWord (head) you can get them from
    (its a little over one MB download, source not included).
    There is also some additional documentation for building
    on that page, along with nightly source snapshots (tarballs).

    Roughly speaking (as I haven't done it and its been a while
    since I read the docs), AbiWord needs to have some information
    about the new language added to a few source files and the
    majority of the translation work is creating the appropriately
    named strings file (usually langId-countryId.strings, e.g. en-US.strings).
    You can use a debug version of AbiWord and run abiword --dumpstrings
    to get an initial (all English) strings file or there may be some
    scripts around as well. Once you have a strings file, you can
    either work on it directly or convert it to a .po file and translate
    that way. There should be some tools available on the web to
    aid in translation (using .po files), and there are some perl
    scripts in abi\po to do the conversion between abi's native strings
    format and the .po format.

    Next week (when I have access to my computer again) I will
    see what docs exist on translations and make sure they are
    current and provide info for Windows users. In general, once the
    initial support is in place, translating should be as simple
    as updating the strings file.


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