ut_contextGlyph: display code or document code?

From: Seth Delackner (seth@jtan.com)
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 14:12:50 EST

  • Next message: Joaquin Cuenca Abela: "Autoconf problem"

    I'm still a bit new here, so feel free to direct me to RTF(archive).

    My understanding of the seperation between display and structure of the
    document is that fp_TextRun, subclass of fp_Run, concerns itself with the text
    structure of the document. It includes ut_contextGlyph.h, which as far as I
    can tell is to decide how to do nifty display stuff with ligatures, amongst
    other display-only stuff.

    My branch already has a lot of code commented out to completely isolate display
    from model code, so one more item is not a biggy.

    (General status: I'm backporting my tree to abiword's CVS tree, since my
    changes were against the stable release source. Hopefully this will get rid of
    some bugs).

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