Re: [Fwd: Re: equations] Luca Padovani <>

From: Luca Padovani (
Date: Mon Jan 13 2003 - 15:58:27 EST

  • Next message: Kenneth Rohde Christiansen: "Re: [Fwd: Re: equations] Luca Padovani <>"

    Hi Kenneth,

    On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 21:27, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:
    > I guess you have to try it out in order to understand what I mean. But
    > there is no component, so you cannot move it around by mistake, or as
    > was it a picture. Instead you can copy part of the math, as was it text.
    > You can also copy math and text at the same time. Actually it just works
    > as math as was it text.

    sure, I'd like it to be as you described it, I was just running a bit
    ahead. The point of view we are taking in a different project is that
    the markup is what really matters. The interface just gives you a way of
    looking at the markup, and possibly interacting with it. So when you
    have math embedded in your document, the markup is actually embedded and
    the component just renders it. When you select, you select the markup
    and if you copy the markup elsewhere a different instance of the
    component takes care of that.

    Note however that selection in text and selection in math can be quite
    different. We found surprisingly important the possibility enabled by
    MathML of selecting parts of the formula according to its structure,
    which is something one doesn't usually care about in plain text for text
    is "plain" by definition.

    Maybe it is a bit early for this kind of discussions, but eventually I'd
    be really happy to have some brainstorming sessions with you (abiword
    developers) and to converge into an effective collaboration.

    -- luca

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