AbiWord's printing architecture

From: Robert Roebling (Robert.Roebling@t-online.de)
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 10:05:19 EST

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    although it doesn't really matter as ar as
    my question is concerned, but I am one of
    the main authors of the wxWindows library,
    which the very early AbiWord team considered
    to use instead of writing all the platform
    dependent GUI code for each platform. Since
    both projects rather often have to address
    similar problems, it might have been easier
    for both to cooperate, but that didn't happen
    for whatever reason.
    Never mind, as the main and almost only
    GTK and GTK2 developer of wxWindows, I am
    currently investigating new ways to support
    printing under wxWindows. AbiWord's and
    wxWindows's graphics and printing system
    are almost identical in design, with what
    is called a "device context" in wxWindows
    and "GR_something" in AbiWord which I got
    from CVS HEAD a few days back. I am posting
    here, because I could not find something
    like a design document for the printing
    system and the code is totally cluttered
    with #ifdefs for Pango and Xft. Am I right
    that under AbiWord's new GTK2 version, text
    is rendered on screen using GTK2's Pango,
    but that AbiWord uses Xft to find and work
    with fonts for PostScript output?
    What version requirements do you have for
    both libararies? I have a stock SuSE 8.1
    which is the newest you can get, but maybe
    I'll need the BRAND newest code for either
    of FreeType, XRender, Xft, Pango, FriBidi
    or even something else before I can start
    to compile the system.

    Thanks for any info,


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