Re: AbiWord's printing architecture

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 10:21:11 EST

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit (HEAD): bidi stuff"

    > I could be wrong once again, but isnt hintint
    > useful for low resolution on screen, whereas
    > it doesn't play any noteworthy role in the area
    > of 600dpi upwards?
    > Also, isn't hinting simply patented by Apple,
    > at least in the US and in the UK? I know
    > people have added "auto-hinting" to FreeType
    > recently, but that didn't match the real
    > hinting in quality (unsurprisingly).

    Actually, the auto-hinting perhaps exceeds the actual
    hinting, as evidenced on the webpages
    The concept of hinting itself isn't patented by Apple,
    either. Using the native hinting tables inside of the
    TTF font, however, is.

    Instead of embedding a subsetted font with only the
    necessary glyphs, you're embedding N copies of the
    vector outline of each glyph in the font, where N is
    how many times any individual character is found in
    the document. It's not clear to me that this is the
    best route to go down for several reasons, many of
    which LDR has already mentioned.


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