Re: AbiWord's printing architecture

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 10:36:09 EST

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: commit (HEAD): bidi stuff"

    At 10:44 AM +0100 1/27/03, Robert Roebling wrote:
    >I could be wrong once again, but isnt hintint
    >useful for low resolution on screen, whereas
    >it doesn't play any noteworthy role in the area
    >of 600dpi upwards?

            It is most useful for lower resolution devices when dealing
    with Roman text, but for Asian glyphs (and some other languages)
    hinting also becomes useful on high resolutions as well.

    >Also, isn't hinting simply patented by Apple,
    >at least in the US and in the UK?

            No hinting in general - just one form of it.

    >I know people have added "auto-hinting" to FreeType
    >recently, but that didn't match the real
    >hinting in quality (unsurprisingly).

            I don't know what "real hinting" is, but I think you'll find
    the current versions of FreeType2 to generate equal or better quality
    glyphs to what is found on commercial systems.


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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