Re: [Usability] [RFC] Proposed AbiWord preferences dialog mockup

From: Eric Zen (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 17:24:02 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Commit (BOTH): BeOS work (was: Re: New BeOS diff(June/4))"

    On 2003.06.04 10:08 Christian Neumair wrote:
    > I don't think this counts. After trying it out I must say I didn't
    > succeed in popping up the tooltip when exactly knowing which button I
    > want to click. Either you click it instantly, or you don't know exactly
    > what you want to do. If the cursor stays about 1 second on a toolbar
    > entry, the application can safely assume that you want to know what this
    > button is for and show the tooltip.

    It's more about the accidentals than the intentional things. For instance, just moving the mouse out of the way of the text can place it in a variety of places, and the right one can have a tooltip the size of envelope (obviously something to avoid in general). For example, in writing this email, when I clicked into the text entry and moved the mouse out of the way, it landed on a window edge, which resulted on said massive tooltip. Granted, that's not an abi thing, but it builds. Like their computers, no one just does one thing. I could be writing a document, want to mention something I saw on the internet, and while re-reading the page, I get the cursor out of the way to be distacted by a tooltip suddenly appearing.

    Additionally, hesitation or simply decision making can result in holding the mouse in that place for that second it takes. This is something I've encountered more than enough times from my own experience of "Should I bold this title/section or underline it or...oh, look, a tool tip." In accordance to the laws of thermo dynamics, let's leave them there.



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