Unix glyph detection urgently needed

From: Tomas Frydrych (tomasfrydrych@yahoo.co.uk)
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 09:54:54 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Unix glyph detection urgently needed"

    If someone could implement glyph presence detection on Unix/xft I
    would be grateful -- I have some nice code waiting to be turned on
    that is conditioned by that. Also, once it is in place I will be able
    to remove the dreaded GR_Graphics::remapGlyph() for ever.

    As I said in an earlier posting, the glyph detection can be
    implemented in two ways:

    1. When measuring character widths for the cache if the glyph is
    absent, set the width to GR_CW_ABSENT

    2. Alternatively, implement GR_*Font::doesGlyphExist() to replace the
    virtual implemented in the base class.

    Choose whatever makes better sense (if you replace the
    doesGlyphExist() function, the implementation needs to be fast).


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