Commit: windows unicode input update

From: Daniel Glassey (
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 17:54:49 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Verious things."

    ok, I've got permission to land the patch so here goes. Remember, you'll
    need to get unicows.lib from somewhere if you want to be able to build.
    ( for mingw, and msvc if you don't have it from
    somewhere else)

    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: src/af/ev/win/ev_Win32Keyboard.cpp
    CVS: src/af/gr/win/gr_Win32CharWidths.cpp
    CVS: src/af/xap/win/xap_Win32FrameImpl.cpp
    CVS: src/config/platforms/ src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32App.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32FrameImpl.cpp
    CVS: src/wp/ap/win/ap_Win32FrameImpl.h src/wp/main/win/Makefile
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    win32 unicode input patch, using some W api functions so need to
    build with unicows.lib, and appropriate window classes are W to accept
    unicode messages

    Known issues (will put in bugzilla when have time):
    (1)The titlebar doesn't show the filename, just the first letter - I
    assume it needs it passed in in unicode but I haven't seen where yet.
    (2)Typing in Hebrew leaves a lot of pixel dirt.
    (3)Typing in Thai for a bit gets the cursor in the wrong place, then abi
    crashes when the cursor is way past the end of the line.
    (4)Using an IME to input Chinese(either), Japanese or Korean puts in
    lots of ? instead of the right characters.
    (5)Asserts in Toolbar for szState or something (haven't replicated it
    today but just so you know it might turn up)


    Daniel Glassey wrote:
    > Hi guys,
    > I've basically got somewhere now with unicode and windows.
    > In my local tree it can now accept unicode input either from the system
    > (e.g. altering the input language on WinXP) or from things like KeyMan
    > ( even on non-Unicode OS's like win95.
    > It handles the WM_UNICHAR message so we will finally be able to work
    > with keyman on win9x.
    > However, it still can't input individual unicode codepoints by typing
    > Alt-(type Codepoint on NumPad) e.g. Alt-0-9-4-5 for lower greek alpha.
    > (I think this is bug 4476 so I'll have a look to see if ToAsciiEx is the
    > problem)
    > Note that this does not affect the GUI, so it is not related to bugs
    > 1625, 1635. It'll be a lot more work to get a full unicode build since
    > MS uses UTF16 but abi resource strings are ascii.
    > It requires MSLU (bug 3655) so if I can commit this the build
    > instructions will need to be changed to say that you must have
    > unicows.lib either from MS or from
    > Screenshot is of random gibberish using Keyman to input Tengwar
    > (Tolkiens elvish alphabet).
    > I need to clean it up a little before I commit to remove some
    > unnecessary changes because it changes a lot of files.
    > Regards,
    > Daniel

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon May 19 2003 - 18:10:20 EDT