Re: Commit: windows unicode input update

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Mon May 19 2003 - 23:24:11 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Export Footnotes and endnotes to HTML."

    I was going to update the NSIS installers (since it should only
    take a minute or two to do) to add unicows.dll, but I'm not sure where
    to refer to it from. Should it go into abidistfiles, perhaps in
    redist/unicows/ so its license can be there as well? Or should it
    not actually be placed in cvs, but require builders to edit a path
    in the *.nsi files to refer to where they have it locally (but default
    to some location like abi/src/pkg/win/unicows.dll )? Another, but
    poor option, is to require users on Win9x computers to download and
    install it themselves, like we do with msvcrt.dll, etc.

    Thanks for the feedback,

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